This test is based on the official 2025 CDL Manual FREE Delaware CDL Combination Practice Test 2025 | DE

Want to be confident that you will pass the CDL combination vehicles endorsement exam on the first try? You are expected to answer complex questions about combination vehicle operation, safety, and maintenance. With our Free Delaware CDL Combination Vehicles Practice Test, you will get the opportunity to take a similar test to the actual exam without having to pay a registration fee. The 20-question test will give you the chance to answer multiple choice questions that mirror those on the DMV exam. We used the official Delaware CDL Handbook to ensure the information in our test is accurate and relevant to drivers in Delaware. You will need a passing score of 80% and each question comes with a description of a correct response.

The CDL endorsement exams cost time and money. Protect your investment and practice your knowledge before exam day. Take the Free Delaware CDL Combination Vehicles Practice Test and prepare to pass!

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Delaware CDL Combination Vehicles Overview:
20Total number of questions
16Number of questions required to pass
80Percentage required to pass
Delaware CDL Manual 2025

Get the latest (2025) official DE CDL Manual.
