Washington CDL Handbook 2024
Ready to tackle the Washington CDL knowledge test and get your commercial driver instruction permit (CDIP)? Start preparing now with the official Washington CDL Manual. Published by the Washington Department of Licensing (DOL), the manual is an invaluable resource containing the information you need to know to pass the written and on-road skills tests.
Will the Manual Help You Prepare for the WA CDL Test
Once you have completed studying the manual, it’s time to test your knowledge to ensure you have fully mastered the material. We offer free Washington CDL Practice Tests that are both interactive and comprehensive to ensure you have all the information you need before you head to your local testing office.
Information Covered in the Manual
The Washington CDL manual has 13 chapters. These chapters cover topics such as driving techniques, the license application procedure, and the various parts of a commercial vehicle. You will learn how to safely transport cargo, hazardous materials, and passengers. The manual also covers the three CDL classes and the commercial vehicles of each class. Learn how to properly inspect your vehicle before driving, navigate various road conditions, and become familiar with the unique traffic laws in the state of Washington.
- Introduction
- Driving Safely
- Transporting Cargo Safely
- Transporting Passengers Safely
- Air Brakes
- Combination Vehicles
- Doubles and Triples
- Tank Vehicles
- Hazardous Materials
- School Buses
- Pre-Trip Inspection
- Basic Controls
- The Road Test
Take the first step towards your new career with a Washington Commercial Driver’s License!