TN CDL General Knowledge Exam Simulator 2025
The path to passing your Tennessee CDL exam starts right here! Our carefully crafted TN CDL General Knowledge Practice Test Simulator will test your safe driving knowledge and identify any weaknesses that you may have. This test features 50 multiple choice questions based on the essential general knowledge concepts found in the Tennessee CDL manual, which is also used to write the actual test.
Test questions cover a variety of important subjects such as basic vehicle operation, winter driving, mountain driving, driver fatigue and more. Here are two examples of the types of questions that make up this practice test: What should you do if you are being tailgated? What should you do if you are about to start going down a steep downgrade? You will need to answer at least 80% of the questions correctly to pass. If you don’t pass, don’t worry, you can take the test an unlimited number of times to improve your score.
This second test in our General Knowledge series may be the most challenging yet! Take it today to determine your readiness to pass the CDL exam and begin your career as a driver in “The Volunteer State.”
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